Struggling with Grief, Loss, Disappointment...?

You may feel like there is no one you can talk to that truly understands what you are going through, but that couldn't be farther from the truth. You are not alone.

You don't have to go through this on your own. I know, I understand, I'm here for you!

Let's find your Happiness.

Start with my FREE online course:

4 Days + 4 Ways to turn your Setbacks into Setups

In this course you will be given the tools you need to turn your doubts into determination and purpose. You will be empowered to look at your life through a new lens as you learn to grow the habits of happiness.

Hi, I’m Kamille Bauer

I'm a Motivational Keynote Speaker, Media Influencer, Grief-to-Hope-to-Happiness Mentor, & Podcaster

I didn’t set out to be a grief mentor and speaker…
No one asks for that sort of life.

As a grieving widow, I learned to create a new kind of happy. Instead of surviving, I was thriving. I couldn’t depend on my circumstances to make me happy, I knew better. Happiness comes from within and it’s available to everyone at any time, even on the worst of days.